Petteri Vähätupa
University of Applied Sciences in 2019. He immediately got a job at Planner and had in mind a project corresponding to his own education. That certain project did not materialize. Planneri’s CEO Ilkka Rantanen asked if Petteri would be interested in learning about shipbuilding.
“I thought it would be good if I gained more versatile competence. I learned a lot from experienced designer Hannu Viinikkala. Hannu is a retiree continuing his working career with Planneri. He guides me in difficult matters. It's a good model”, says Petteri.
A year ago, Petter was offered a new challenge leading a Planneri project. Experienced designer Reijo Lehtola was promised as support.
“I called Reijo and asked if this suits me already? Reijo encouraged to seize the opportunity. He would help. Without it, I wouldn't have agreed”, tells Petteri.
With Reijo’s help Petteri accepted the responsibility of a Border Guard ship design project.